December 2022: Second Harvest

I started today by getting through the last exams for the semester and I am SO glad to have gotten through them. I definitely need this break as I am mentally exhausted from all the studying. I can say I am pleased with my performance from this semester but I definitely have some room for improvement for the spring. I knew this first semester would be a period of adjustment for me especially being in a new big city. However, I’m going to take some time over the break to reflect and identify some changes I can make to be even better in the spring semester. After I concluded my exams and treated myself to some Starbucks, I went to volunteer at the Second Harvest Food Bank in New Orleans for three hours. Here I was able to stock some of the shelves and also serve food to others. This was another one of those humbling experiences as many people rely on these volunteers and other people to prepare this food for them otherwise they would go hungry. It make me very grateful ...