November 2022: Archer High School & Angel Tree

 Archer High School Volunteering 

I went home for Thanksgiving and was able to volunteer at the high school I attended. I try to do this anytime I go home on breaks, especially now because they always have classrooms that need help. I was able to volunteer on November 17th and 18th before their students went on their Thanksgiving break. On Thursday, I helped with the Friendsgiving activities in the Special Education department (I didn’t take pictures just because I wasn’t able to get consent from their parents). I often worked with this department when I was in high school so it was so much fun going back and helping them with serving  food and the arts and crafts activities. On Friday, I was able to help in the attendance office which they needed seeing that so many students were getting checked out for the holidays and many documents needed to be filed. I helped file letters and papers per grade level and also assisted the clerk with any errands she needed completed. It was so rewarding to help and to see many teachers and staff I knew when I was there. 

6 hours

Angel Tree
Every year every member in my family picks an angel tree child. This program allows people to adopt children’s Christmas wish lists and make them a gift bag for the holidays. This is a program to make sure that every child despite their financial hardships or situations gets a gift for Christmas. I chose two children from the angel tree this year and got all of their items on their list and assembled their gift bags. I wasn’t bale to participate with the collection and distribution because of school but it is always a humbling experience. It makes you appreciate all the everyday things we take for granted. Most children don’t even ask for games or electronics like you would expect. Instead they are asking for the essentials like clothes and toiletries. That really makes me appreciate the things I have and inspire me to help those who don’t. 

2 hours

Hours (Sept., Oct., Nov.): 10 hours 


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