Pious Project: 8th Annual Feed the Hungry

This year, Tulane’s biomedical science department hosted a community service event and participated in Pious Project’s 8th Annual Feed the Hungry event. This event was hosted in several cities across the nation where students and volunteers in the community came together to address issues that the city experiences with food insecurity. I did a lot of community service in my undergrad career so once I heard about this opportunity I was very eager to help. The event was held on the 24th of this month from 12pm-2pm. We were able to assemble and package 500 sack lunches consisting of a sandwich, snacks, and water. This was such a heart-warming experience as we were able to help people we most likely walk by everyday. We had a debrief session in which I heavily reflected on the certain privileges I have and the things that I take for granted. Being able to have 2-3 meals each day without worry is a luxury that, if you’re not careful, you won't appreciate as much as you should. This is not an innate right or opportunity that everyone in this world has which is quite sad, especially living in a world of excess and abundance that often goes to waste. After only being in New Orleans for a month, this city has afforded me so many opportunities already and I feel as if it's the least I can do to take some time out of my weekend to give back. As advanced as this country is, hunger should not be a problem, however, I think it’s our responsibility to give to those who don't have or who just need a little assistance. Being around several other students and volunteers that Saturday also was a very warm experience. I enjoyed fellowship with them and to also know that there are more people that care and there is a certain strength and impact that can come from numbers of us. 

I am also very excited to start my volunteering at the Touro Health Center next month. I’m very excited to interact with patients as well as the medical professional staff, so stay tuned for that!😁


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