April 2023: Touro Health

 This month had a lot going on as we neared the end of this program. For volunteering, I continued once a week on Tuesdays at Touro Health from 4pm-7pm. At times the ED can be a little boring as there aren’t many things happening all the time, however, I still take the opportunity to observe the staff and how they interact with the patients. I feel as though I am gaining a lot of nuanced experience by just by observing some of the tasks and how they handle situations that I otherwise would not be exposed to. 

April was filled with a bunch of stuff to do an dit defiantly kept me busy. Starting with the pharmacology crawfish boil. It was such a beautiful day and it was nice to chat with my peers and faculty about further plans. I also loved it because I am obsessed with crawfish and especially from New Orleans because crawfish from Georgia is not the best. After that we had the NBME which was pretty difficult fro me. I struggled on effective studying and it really stressed me out. On top of that, it was on my birthday with was not the best for me. I was relieved to get it over with however and able to have some both day festivities. I ended up going to the French Quarter Festival after which was so much fun and the food was amazing. That was definitely a highlight for April. After the shelf exam, I only had a presentation, elevator talk and test left. Ot felt like this month flew by because before I knew it we were completely done. 

My last highlight of April would be Crawfest. This was a fun experience. The music and festivals were great despite it being very hot with very lions lines. I still enjoyed myself and thought tit was such a cool event that the school would throw. It is bittersweet to be writing my last blog because it means that we are coming to an end but I am so ready for graduation in May!

April hours: 12 hours

Total hours: 33 hours


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